Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Everyday i am faced with what seems to be a thousand different choices, and each day I neglect to grasp any. Am I an idiot for leaving Florida? Was I an idiot for ever leaving home? Will I like my new college? Am i slightly pathetic? Why am I nothing like my brother and why does it bother me so much? Will what I am writing ever really matter or mean anything? What the hell am I thinking going to school to be a creative writing major?
I honestly never really know what the hell i am doing and in the spur of the moment i usually make a rationally irrational decision, one that I will inevitably regret, fortunately by now I understand that no matter what I do I will experience the painful euphoria of regret.
If not for my girlfriend most days would completely turn to shit. Being with her has this odd way of making me feel like a better person, and forces me to be a better person. I have been away form her for a while now, being out in Tampa, but each night we sit on skype for hours talking about anything. She makes every lonely moment worth it, I can't wait to get back to her.
Also on an irrelevant side note, anyone who was semi-interested in anything i just wrote should go buy the new Portugal The Man CD it blew my mind, i have already listened to it four times over. And for those who have never heard of them go purchase Censored Colors and prepare to have your life changed.
Also, for those who are literarily inclined should read the novel Beat the Reaper, it is the debut novel for Josh Bazell and it is one of the most captivating and intriguing stories i have ever had the pleasure of reading.

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